
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Sound of Mixcraft

So a while back when I was first getting my foot in the door of game making, a friend of mine, who is some kind of magic music man, showed me a program called Mixcraft. After a long debate with myself over where to spend this $75 I have lying around I decided just 20 minuets ago to get Mixcraft 6.

And so I start my journey into the world of making crappy music. Wish me luck.

I made my first song by randomly clicking and dragging clips into mixcraft.
And here it is.
Thanks for listening/reading.

Learning AS3 for prototyping

If any of you have seen the Solar Flare Game blog you know that I plan on making and posting some prototypes of the game. Well just today I started learning action script 3 just for that purpose. I am putting games I make on

Hello, World!

Hello everybody, my name is Benjamin Botwin.
This is my first venture into the blogging world so please be gentle with your comments.

I am a aspiring programmer who founded the Solar Flare Games team (I have another blog for them). I have always loved computers and am going into a job in game development.

This blog I will post about anything I feel like really... but it will probably be mostly about programming stuffs that I am learning.

So that's about it for the intro; If you have any question, concerns, or complaints feel free to post a comment yelling at me.